12 Cute Siamese Cat Names You’ll Love

There are a ton of ideal Siamese cat names to give your slinky furball, but choosing one can require quite a bit of research. Luckily, you don’t need to sweat;…

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12 Best Cat Food Names You’ll Love

You’ve made the big decision to get a cat – or you have decided to expand your kitty family. You’ve chosen the breed or decided on a moggy – and…

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13 Best Cute Cat Names You’ll Adore

There’s no denying that cats are one of the most adorable pets. They’re gifted with whiskers, cute noses, and big beautiful eyes. Not to mention their curious nature and affectionate…

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9 Best Tuxedo Cat Names You’ll Adore

Once you’ve chosen your new feline member of the family, you need to give it a name that suits it. Deciding on a name that fits your cat perfectly early…

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12 Best Greek Cat Names You’ll Love

You’ve made the big decision to get a cat – or you have decided to expand your kitty family. You’ve chosen the breed or decided on a moggy – and…

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Why Do Cats Roll in Dirt? 9 Reasons for Dust Bathing

Why do cats roll in dirt? Have you ever looked out into the garden to see your beloved purrfect kitty rolling gleefully in the dirt? The complete opposite of seeing…

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Why Do Cats Like String? (2023) 5 Reasons

Despite their often apathetic attitudes, cats love to keep entertained by chasing things around. Even with dozens of cat toys at their disposal, it’s not unusual for felines to choose…

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Why Do Cats Knead and Bite Blankets? 5 Reasons

Many cats have a habit of kneading and biting blankets. Most owners have seen them do it. It’s a hilariously cute activity and never fails to draw a coo of…

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Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Legs? 12 Surprising Reasons

Have you ever sat on the couch, bed, or perhaps at your desk with a furball purring peacefully on your lap and wondered to yourself, “Why does she do this?…

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Why Do Cats Sleep By Your Feet? (2023) 8 Reasons

Deep into the night, you surface out of a deep slumber and decide to turn over in your bed. Perhaps you also want to stretch your legs. But then you…

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