Eveɾyone tells you ThɑT your Ɩife will alter witҺ the birTҺ of a child; you’ll undoubTedly Һave Ɩess мoney (and sleep! ), but whɑt else?
TҺese are nine changes To your lifesTyle that you may expecT ɑfter yoᴜ become a parent:
- You discover you’re in a new club. When you see other parents whose child is screaming, having a tantrum, or refusing to eat, you’re able to give them an understanding look instead of thinking, ‘what a nightmare’.
- You discover a whole new language to describe how amazing your baby is and love telling people about your little one – over and over again – even strangers!
- You develop a new found respect for your own body, marveling that it can hold, grow and nourish a human being for the nine months of pregnancy and while you breastfeed. In fact, any remaining pregnancy pounds or stretch marks now seem like badges of honor.
- You finally appreciate all of the sacrifices your parents made for you and come to relish their stories about what you were like as a child – rather than greeting them with an eye roll!
- A visit to the beautician or hairdresser is a distant memory; instead you’ll spend plenty of time playing in the bath with your little one.
- Your priorities completely change and things that once seemed crucial now seem trivial.
- You realize that it really is possible to put another person’s needs and wishes before your own.
- You don’t need an alarm clock – your baby will wake you in their very own special schedule each morning – and night.